Happy Mother's Day
As we welcome a beautiful Mother's Day weekend, we invite you to end this week and begin the next by --
Telling 7 memories of your mother;
Telling 7 qualities you admire about your mother;
Listing 7 reasons you are glad to BE a mother; or
Making 7 ways in which you plan to be a better mother than you have been in the past.
If you are not in the Mother's Day frame of mind, you can, as usual --
Reflect on things you're grateful for or seven meaningful events from the past week;
Anticipate (and allow us to anticipate vicariously) upcoming events on your horizon;
Celebrate steps of progress you've make toward a goal;
Recognize acts of kindness you have observed or performed;
Request support for the week coming up -- let us know what you're concerned about;
Inspire and enlighten us-- if new understandings have come your way.
We invite you to link with each of us in sharing these joys, concerns, victories, or epiphanies. Let's take our minds away, for a couple of days, from the task of just "making it through the day" and focus on inner growth, self-improvement, new understanding, and thankfulness. As a community, we can each take strength from each other and offer encouragement to others as we get to know each other better.