Happy Weekend, SS Friends!
Another weekend has arrived. We have had the opportunity to live, love, and enjoy another week of life.
Here is your opportunity to end the week by listing
- seven things you're grateful for
- seven meaningful events from the past week
- seven upcoming events on your horizon.
- seven things that made you happy last week.
- seven steps of progress did you make toward a goal.
- seven acts of kindness this week you observed.
- seven acts of kindness you performed.
- If you need support for the week coming up, let us know what you're concerned about.
- If you have had new understandings come your way, enlighten us!
- What are you looking forward to in the coming week?
- What are some of your goals for the future?
- Are there seven people to whom you plan to offer support in the coming week?
- What are some of the inspirations you have found for making next week a great one?
- Can you offer seven bits of advice for more fulfillment in life?
As usual, we invite you to link with each of us in sharing our joys, concerns, victories, epiphanies, or whatever else you'd like to share. Our goal is to become a community in which we can take our minds away, for a couple of days, from the task of just "making it through the day" and focus on inner growth, self-improvement, new understanding, and thankfulness. As a community, we can each take strength from each other and offer encouragement to others as we get to know each other better.
Happy Weekend!!